Bernard William Rogers was a United States Army general who served as the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, and later as NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander, Europe and Commander in Chief, United States European Command.
His decorations include the Distinguished Service Cross, the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, the Silver Star, four awards of the Legion of Merit and three awards of the Distinguished Flying Cross.
Rogers was Chief of Staff of the United States Army from October 1, 1976, until June 21, 1979. Some highlights of his tenure include supervising the Army’s move to a 24-division, all-component force; establishing priorities for near-term readiness, midterm modernization, and long-term sustainability; establishing a program to enhance the quality of life of Army personnel; and suggesting a limited draft to fill the Individual Ready Reserve.
He continued the reforms he began as a division commander as Army chief of staff from 1976 to 1979, improving training programs and developing plans for a modern “quick-strike” force. He also took steps to make the Army more friendly toward women and minorities, calling on commanders to “eliminate any discriminatory handling of soldiers.”
Rogers was responsible for starting the Army’s renaissance after falling into a state of low morale and readiness following the Vietnam War.