General Headquarters
The Paul E. Martin General Headquarters Building
The Paul E. Martin General Headquarters Building is a great source of pride for members of Phi Delta Theta, and it is a cornerstone property between the Miami University campus and the Uptown District in Oxford, Ohio. In 1940, the General Convention authorized the construction of a Memorial Library and General Headquarters in Oxford, Ohio to be ready for dedication during the Centennial of the Fraternity in 1948.
The site of the Headquarters building at 2 South Campus Avenue was the birthplace of Caroline Scott Harrison, first President General of the Daughters of the American Revolution and wife of President Benjamin Harrison, an early member of the Ohio Alpha Chapter of Phi Delta Theta at Miami University.
The building itself was designed to resemble the Governor’s Palace located in Williamsburg, Virginia.
Throughout the year, countless Phi Delts and their families travel to Oxford to see it in person, and Fraternity employees are proud to show the building to its visitors. We hope that a trip to Oxford is on your travel list, and we look forward to welcoming you at the Phi Delta Theta General Headquarters Building.

First Mention of Organizing a Central Office
Establishment of Central Office in Indianapolis
Central Office Moved to Detroit
General Council Votes to Move Central Office Back to Oxford
Fraternity Takes Occupancy of Memorial Library and General Headquarters Building in Oxford, Ohio
Phi Delta Theta Celebrates 150th Anniversary
Costello Read Leadership Center Dedicated at GHQ