150th Chapter Installed at University of Tennessee
1963Phi Delta Theta’s 150th chapter installation took place on September 14, 1963, as the Fraternity welcomed Tennessee Gamma into the fold.
Initiation of the undergraduate members took place on Friday, September 13. Heading the initiation team was the President of the General Council, Sam Phillips McKenzie, Georgia ’45, who was aided by General Council Treasurer Jack E. Shepman, Cincinnati ’47; Executive Secretary Robert J. Miller, New Mexico ’50; Field Secretary Bruce Campbell, Bowling Green ’63; and Charles H. Miller Jr., Duke ’28, of the University of Tennessee faculty and the Knoxville Alumni Club.
Brother McKenzie presented the charter to the chapter president, Shelburne Ferguson, at Knoxville’s Second Presbyterian Church. Thirty men were initiated during Friday’s ceremony, including Sam Furrow, Bond No. 1 at Tennessee Gamma, Steve Butler, No. 2, and Robert Colvin, No. 3, the original three who banded together in May 1962, to form the colony. With the aid of the chapter adviser, Capt. Eldon H. Wright, West Virginia ’54, this small group of men formed the nucleus of what was to grow into the thirty-man chapter one year later.
The celebration banquet for the installation of Tennessee Gamma was held Saturday night, September 14, at the C’est Bon Country Club. Brother Sam McKenzie delivered an inspiring speech on the merits of the college fraternity, pointing to Phi Delta Theta as an ideal. He was introduced by the president of the University of Tennessee, Dr. Andrew Holt, who commended the group not only on their fine work but also on their affiliation with an outstanding organization. Brother Charles Miller, a professor at the University of Tennessee law school, acted as master of ceremonies.