50th Chapter Installed at Trinity College
1878During the spring of 1877, Brother George Banta organized a chapter at Trinity College in Tehucana, Texas, probably the most prosperous institution in the Lone Star State. He got Brother McCogy, of Indiana Alpha in Dallas, Texas, to write to a professor at Trinity who was an old friend from Bloomington, Indiana. The professor replied, recommending S. E. Kennon, who was then written to. Kennon, along with five others, agreed to start the chapter, which was chartered as Texas Beta by the last convention. By the end of the term, it had enrolled two of ’78, six of ’79, and one of ’80. It has as rivals Beta Theta Pi and Alpha Gamma.
In the late 1880s and early 1890s, the general Fraternity changed course and began to maintain chapter designations regardless of if the chapter was open. Due to this, Texas Alpha Prime was established. Texas Alpha Prime was the original Texas Alpha established at Austin College in 1852.