First Alumni Academy Held For Alumni Club Leaders


Phi Delta Theta’s first Alumni Academy took place from May 21-23, 1993, at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. The weekend event was planned as an educational and networking program for the officers of Phi Delta Theta’s alumni clubs.

The three-day event included a golf outing, a tour of General Headquarters and of the historic Miami campus, a banquet, and educational sessions on a variety of topics of interest to alumni clubs. The sessions include alumni/undergraduate relations, publications & communications, club development & maintenance, and alumni programming. Delegates had opportunities to share ideas and experiences about a variety of issues.

Faculty for the Academy included: George Lankow, Florida ’60, Dr. Bill Dean, Texas Tech ’60; Fred Green, Toronto ’30; Doug Wilson, Miami (OH) ’64; Jim Holmes, Ohio Wesleyan-Arizona ’51; Bob Deloian, Arizona State ’66; Glen Cary, Texas Tech ’56, and Dr. Richard Wright, Akron ’35.

The Academy was an excellent opportunity for alumni club officers to meet, discuss common difficulties, share insights, and learn more about developing and running a successful alumni club.