Members Wore Badges Publicly


Phi Delta Theta at Miami University existed in secrecy for three years due to an anti-fraternity ruling. Although Miami never had any anti-fraternity laws in place, the founders deemed it necessary to keep the brotherhood secret during its formative years. With that, member’s badges had to be worn privately only at meetings and places remote from Oxford.

In 1851, Miami University president, Dr. William C. Anderson, was told about Phi Delta Theta under a pledge that he would not use the knowledge in any way as a college officer. President Anderson created a more fraternity-friendly environment on campus and even became an honorary member of the Fraternity.

On June 26, 1852, Anderson invited fraternity members to a party. Five Phi Delta Theta members wore the badge publicly in Oxford. It was this moment in which Phi Delta Theta made themselves publicly known on Miami’s campus. Now, Phis all over can wear their badge publicly as a symbol of their commitment to Friendship, Sound Learning, and Rectitude.