Phi Delta Theta Becomes an International Fraternity
1902In February, 1900, there came to the General Council an application signed by twelve students at McGill University in Montreal. This overture from Canada was a total surprise and a very interesting one. But to extend Phi Delta Theta beyond the United States was a question for the entire Fraternity, and the McGill students were told that their request would be presented at the General Convention in November.
Meanwhile a Phi from Vermont made a visit to McGill and a member of Maine Alpha entered the Medical School there. At the November Convention in Louisville these men recommended granting the charter, and after extended discussion the Convention voted for expansion into Canada.
Quebec Alpha was installed April 5, 1902 by Phis from Dartmouth and Vermont. The ceremony took place in the Windsor Hotel with paraphernalia loaned from Dartmouth. It was an international affair for a now international Fraternity; at the installation banquet a toast to “The King” was followed by one to “The President.”
Declared in The Scroll “The Phi Delta Thetas of McGill are thrice welcome as fellow Americans, as college men, as Brothers in the Bond.”
Today Phi Delta Theta is active at 11 campuses in Canada and has had 15 chapters in total since 1902. The Fraternity may reach its 10,000th initiate from Canadian chapters during the 175th anniversary of the Fraternity.