Phi Delta Theta Foundation Hosts First Day of Giving
2019Hundreds of Phis travel to Oxford to learn valuable lessons about leadership, life, and brotherhood. With average attendance around 1,000 annually, Phi Delta Theta only touches a small portion of the Fraternity’s membership expansive group. With the hope of expanding that, in 2019 the Phi Delta Theta Foundation launched the “We are Phi Delt Days of Giving.” The days had two goals: the first was to showcase the great work done by staff, volunteers, and donors at the Kleberg Emerging Leaders Institute; the second was to compel those who might not know about that work to make a contribution to the Foundation. By the end of the giving days, the Foundation had live-streamed fourteen different videos showcasing many aspects of attending Kleberg and raised $68,000 for program support from nearly three hundred donors.
In 2022 the Foundation hosted its fourth giving day and raised over $170,000 from more than five hundred donors.