Robert J. Miller Begins Service as Executive Secretary
1955From the November 1955 edition of The Scroll
Robert J. Miller, New Mexico ’50, was officially named Executive Secretary of Phi Delta Theta by the General Council at its meeting in Oxford on August 17, 1955. He had been acting in that capacity since the sudden death of Paul C. Beam on July 6.
Thus Bob succeeds the man he went to Oxford to aid on June 11, 1951. At that time, he was named Assistant Executive Secretary, a position he held until he was appointed Administrative Secretary in July 1954. He becomes the Fraternity’s third Executive Secretary, the office having been held previously only by Arthur R. Priest and Brother Beam.
A native of Mansfield, Ohio, Miller attended high school in that city and entered Heidelberg College in 1944. A tour of duty as an Air Force cadet followed his freshman year, and when he returned to college in 1947, he transferred to the University of New Mexico. Phi Delta Theta had just established a chapter on this campus the year before, and Bob became the fiftieth signer of the New Mexico Alpha Bond when initiated on February 15, 1948. From this time until his graduation in 1950, he is reported to have earned the title of ‘Second Founder’ of the chapter, holding no less than five chapter offices, including a double hitch as president, and attending both the 47th and 48th General Conventions in Oxford and Chicago, respectively.
As an undergraduate, he was active in campus as well as chapter affairs, earned a B average, and election to Phi Delta Theta, education honorary.
Having decided on a career in school administration, Brother Miller entered the New Mexico graduate school in the autumn of 1950 to work for his master’s degree. When the call came from Phi Delta Theta the following June, he transferred his credits to Miami University and received his MA in the 1951 summer session.
Bob is married to the former Jerri Ann Burran, a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma at New Mexico. They have a son, Robert J. Jr., born March 12, 1954.
During his five years of internship, Bob visited every nook and corner of the realm of Phi Delta Theta and was responsible for straightening out many problems that arose in the chapters. In the last two years, particularly, he had extensive experience in administering the work of General Headquarters. Bob has also been active in interfraternity and has won the respect and esteem of his many friends in the CFSA.
The Fraternity suffered a great loss in the untimely death of Paul Beam, but it is fortunate in having a brother of Bob Miller’s ability, experience, and love of Phi Delta Theta to succeed him.
Robert J. Miller ended up serving Phi Delta Theta in the executive vice president role for forty years.
Read the Summer 1991 edition of The Scroll where Miller shares some of his memories as his last official act as executive vice president.