Establishing the Birthplace of Phi Delta Theta


The Niagara Falls Convention of 1910 established the birthplace of Phi Delta Theta. The resolution adopted stated:

WHEREAS the room in which Phi Delta Theta was founded is not being duly preserved and maintained.

Be it resolved, that a committee be appointed of the General Council to be known as the “committee on the preservation of the birthplace of Phi Delta Theta,” said committee of two alumni members and two active members of Phi Delta Theta and that they be empowered to adopt such plans as to them seem expedient for the preservation of said room, and that said committee report to the Convention its plans, and that such measures be adopted.

In the September issue of The Scroll, Scroll Assistant Editor Walter B. Palmer wrote, “An act that will undoubtedly be applauded by every living Phi was the decision to rent from Miami University the dormitory room, Father Wilson’s room, in which Phi Delta Theta was founded on December 26, 1848. At the golden jubilee in 1899 the exterior wall of the room was suitably marked with a granite slab. The purpose of the convention of 1910 was to secure control of the Fraternity’s birthplace, that it may not be profaned by ordinary usage, but kept sacred to Phi Delta Theta, that the room be filled with objects personally associated with the founders and relics of the early days, and that in fact that it shall become the shrine of the Fraternity, which Phis from everywhere shall delight to visit. This proposition, which appeals powerfully to fraternity sentiment, originated with Epsilon Province. Already the families of the founders have promised to contribute articles which the founders owned and used, and probably the room will contain within a short time a very interesting and valuable collection.”