General Council Established
1880The original plan of government for Phi Delta Theta provided that the parent chapter at Miami should be the presiding chapter and should have the right to charter other chapters in Ohio. The first chapter in each state was granted the right to charter other chapters in the same state. The presiding chapter was called the Grand Chapter until 1868, when an executive committee was established. It had a president, a secretary, and a varying number of members. In 1872, its powers were enlarged, and a grand banker was added. From 1876 to 1880, it was composed of a president, a secretary, a grand banker, and one member chosen by the national Grand Chapter. Until 1878, the first chapter in each state was the presiding chapter in that area and was called the state Grand Chapter.
In 1880, the executive committee was changed to the General Council, composed of a president, a secretary, a treasurer, and a historian, and the Fraternity was divided into provinces. Full executive powers were then conferred on the General Council. In 1881, the Fraternity was incorporated under the laws of Ohio. In 1896, an officer known as the reporter was added to the General Council. The five councilors constituted the board of trustees, which acted as a court of appeals to decide questions of legal concern. In 1922, the offices of secretary and historian were abolished and those two officers became members-at-large of the General Council.
Since its inception in 1880, the Fraternity has had sixty-eight member serve as President of the General Council and 115 different members serve as a member of the General Council.