Proposal Accepted for Grand Banker to Pay Expenses of Convention Attendees
1873The Quarto-Centennial Convention was in Athens, Ohio, May 13-16, 1873, at the Odd Fellows Hall. It was to celebrate the first twenty-five years of the Fraternity and an expression of confidence in its future.
The assembly of forty-eight Phis made it the largest Convention at that time. Thirteen of the nineteen active chapters were represented, and the theme of the gathering was unity. It was reported that $547 had been subscribed to a permanent fund for the Fraternity. This resolution called for a new officer, who turned out to be Charles Oliver Berry, Depauw 1869, with the lofty-sounding title of Grand Banker.
With money in the bank, a proposal was passed to pay delegates’ expenses for future conventions. But, more importantly, a resolution was passed to plan the editing of a monthly publication, which eighteen months later led to the appearance of The Scroll.